
12,435 Reviews
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More than 1.5 million restaurant pros trust 7shifts to schedule, pay, and retain their teams. Compare to see why we’re the best choice for your small or medium-sized restaurant.
Start free trial7shifts has everything you need to run your restaurant team more efficiently.
Compare HotSchedules and 7shifts
7shifts focuses on providing the best possible user experience and customer support. We offer a free 14-day trial, a free staff mobile app, and strong integrations with top POS systems.
Compare When I Work and 7shifts
7shifts is built exclusively for the unique needs of restaurant operators and no one else. That means our full attention is on releasing features that benefit your restaurant team.
Compare Push Operations and 7shifts
7shifts offers comprehensive communication tools like Manager Log Book, Task Management, in-app messaging, and announcements at an affordable price.
Compare Schedulefly and 7shifts
7shifts is feature-loaded and has many POS integrations with real-time sales and labor data. Plus, we offer a free staff mobile app, and best-in-class customer support.
Compare Sling and 7shifts
7shifts is exclusively restaurant-focused with many tools for hiring, advanced scheduling, managing employee documents, retaining staff, and advanced regional compliance.