Social Media for Restaurants: 20 Effective Strategies To Boost Your Social Presence Online

Social Media for Restaurants: 20 Effective Strategies To Boost Your Social Presence Online
Vahag Aydinyan

By Vahag Aydinyan

With over 5 billion people using social media globally, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok have become necessary tools for businesses to reach customers. From introducing your restaurant to fulfilling orders, you can use social media to drive more traffic to your establishment, in-person and digitally. 

Discover why restaurants must have a social media strategy and 20 effective ways to boost your social presence online.

Why restaurants need a social media strategy

Using social media for restaurants is key to keeping your restaurant visible to your target customers and cultivating your relationships with them. Through regular updates, photos, and videos, you can keep your restaurant on people's minds, engage with them, and encourage them to visit more often.

Keeps your restaurant top of mind

68% of customers follow brands on social media to stay updated on new products and services. Posting regularly on social media platforms keeps your restaurant visible to a lot of people. As such, when they become hungry or plan a meal out, they’ll likely think of your restaurant first.

Through regular posts, you can remind people of your menu, special deals, and events you’re hosting. Additionally, engaging content like polls, quizzes, and fun facts about your restaurant can keep your audience interested and connected.

Nurtures your restaurant's relationships with customers

Aside from staying visible, social media also helps you build strong relationships with customers. One study found that fostering retention and commitment through social media creates loyalty and turns customers into advocates. 

This means that by engaging with your audience, they not only stay loyal but also become fans who are excited about your restaurant and eager to spread the word.

Gives your establishment a human touch

86% of consumers admitted that authenticity is a deciding factor when choosing brands to support. Sharing photos and videos of your chefs at work, staff celebrations, or even the journey of ingredients from farm to table makes your restaurant feel relatable and authentic. 

This kind of content helps customers connect with your restaurant on a deeper level.

Starbucks posted this video on Instagram with their baristas playing “Guess the Drink,” showing the baristas' interaction and reactions. This glimpse into daily operations is entertaining and heartwarming, making customers feel like they, too, can expect the same level of service from the coffee shop.

Maintains a positive reputation

When you monitor what people are saying about your restaurant online, you can address any negative comments quickly and highlight positive ones. Social media tools like social listening can alert you to mentions of your restaurant, allowing you to respond promptly and professionally.

Helps you understand customer preferences

Social media is a straightforward way to learn what dishes, deals, or events excite your audience. Pay attention to which posts get the most likes, shares, and comments, and use those insights to plan your menu and promotions. You can even use social media polls to ask customers about their preferences directly. 

Best Social Media Strategies to Improve Your Restaurant’s Online Presence

Social media marketing involves knowing your audience and reaching them on the platforms they prefer. Using these strategies you can engage with your customers effectively and enhance your restaurant’s digital footprint.

1. Define your brand voice

Before you create and post social content, you should know your brand voice. Consistent and authentic communication builds trust with your customers. They will feel more connected to your brand if they know what to expect from your social media posts.

Having a defined brand voice makes it easier to create content. You’ll know what kind of language to use, what topics to cover, and how to present your posts.

For example, a family-friendly diner might adopt a cheerful and welcoming tone, using simple and friendly language in posts. They might share bright, colorful photos of kids enjoying ice cream sundaes and post playful captions like, "Sundae Funday with the family!" 

On the other hand, a high-end steakhouse might use a sophisticated and elegant tone, sharing photos of beautifully plated dishes with captions like, "Experience culinary excellence with our prime rib, crafted to perfection." This consistent voice helps customers instantly recognize and connect with your brand.

2. Identify the right social media platforms

Knowing the social media platforms where your customers are most active can help you reach people who are most likely to become loyal patrons. Focus on the platforms that make the most sense for your restaurant, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), and Pinterest.


Age Range

Number of Monthly Active Users

Best For

Types of Posts


25 to 54

Around 2.9 billion

Sharing a variety of content

Photos, videos, special event posts


25 to 34

Over 2 billion

Visual content

Mouth-watering photos, short videos, Instagram Stories, IGTV, Reels


13 to 24

Over 1.58 billion

Creative and trendy content

Cooking tutorials, food challenges, trendy recipes


25 to 34

Over 600 million

Quick updates and promotions

Daily specials, live-tweeting events


25 to 34 (especially women)

Over 518 million

Sharing beautiful visuals and finding themed boards for inspiration

Photos of dishes, recipes, decor ideas

3. Create visual brand guidelines

Just like your brand voice, consistency with your social media and other digital visual content makes your restaurant look more professional. Well-designed posts attract more attention and make a better impression on your audience. 

Bright, vibrant colors can draw the eye, while a consistent layout helps create a recognizable brand. Engaging visuals not only capture attention but also convey your restaurant's personality and values effectively.

Start by choosing a consistent style for your photos and videos. Decide if your images will be bright and colorful or moody and dark, and use similar filters or editing techniques to reflect your restaurant’s atmosphere. 

Then, develop templates for common posts, like announcements, promotions, or menus, using your chosen color palette and fonts. This saves time and ensures a uniform appearance. Creating a mood board can also help keep your content aligned with your visual brand guidelines. 

Remember, well-crafted and visually appealing posts are key to engaging your audience on social media.

4. Conduct polls 

Conducting polls or surveys on social media is an excellent way to understand your diners' preferences, engage your audience, and boost customer satisfaction. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter offer easy-to-use polling features that allow you to quickly and effectively reach a broader market. 

For instance, you can use Instagram to create interactive polls asking customers about their thoughts on potential new menu items (like what limited edition meal they would like to see back on your menu). They’re a quick and cost-effective way to receive feedback. 

You can also post light-hearted debate polls to engage with your following. For this, you’ll want questions like "Bacon vs sausage for breakfast?" or "Best drink of the season goes to…" depending on current trends or customer interests. 

This should help you engage with your customer base and stay on top of their minds during their next meal.

5. Analyze what competitors are doing

If you want to stand out from the competition, you have to know what they’re doing well and build on their strategies. For example, if another restaurant’s post about a new dish goes viral, you might want to try a similar post.

Another reason to do a competitive analysis is to identify gaps in your competitors’ strategies. If no one in your area is offering a particular dish or special event, you can fill that gap and attract more customers. This way, you stay unique and offer something different from other restaurants.

Check on what competitors are doing by following them on social media. Pay attention to the type of content they post, the frequency, and how their audience responds.

6. Map out a monthly or quarterly content calendar

A content calendar lets you plan out your posts in advance and makes sure you don't miss important events or promotions. Planning ahead also saves time since you can batch-create content and schedule it in advance, freeing up time for other tasks.

To create your content calendar, you can use templates or make your own using a spreadsheet or digital calendar. Include columns for the date, content type, platform, and any notes. This organization helps you stay on track and ensures a variety of posts.

Then, decide how often you’ll post on each platform. For example, casual dining restaurants might post 3-4 times a week, while fine dining establishments might post 1-2 times a week. 

By planning your posts, you can maintain a consistent and appealing social media presence.

7. Identify key dates, events, and promotions

Well-timed posts and promotions can increase engagement with your customers, encouraging them to interact with your restaurant's social media. 

A National Restaurant Association survey reported that 63% of customers plan to eat out during the holidays, proving that restaurants “serve a practical need during the holiday season.”

“From Gen-Z to Baby Boomers, restaurants have options to meet every need and taste preference in this season and throughout the year,” Michelle Korsmo, President & CEO of the National Restaurant Association, added.

Take note of important holidays and events that people celebrate, like New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. These are great opportunities for special posts and promotions.

Additionally, check for local events happening in your community. This can include festivals, parades, sports events, and fairs to keep your restaurant visible to customers in your area. 

8. Plan a mix of content types

Photos and videos of your dishes and restaurant are well and good, but they aren’t the only types of content you should post. Mix it up with behind-the-scenes glimpses, menu highlights, customer spotlights, and staff features to keep your content fresh and engaging.

  1. Behind-the-scenes

  2. Menu highlights

  3. Customer spotlights

  4. Staff features

Behind-the-scenes content shows the human side of your restaurant and builds trust and transparency. 

Rafaella Aguiar, Marketing Manager at Kicksta, a social growth tool, shared a tip on how restaurants can dominate Instagram:

“Film a few Instagram Stories in the kitchen, showcasing your specials of the day, and then encourage people to make a reservation for that evening. Or, do an Instagram Live where you can answer questions about your restaurant with the bustle of the kitchen behind you.”

For this, you have to decide what parts of your restaurant you want to show. This could be the kitchen, staff preparing food, or the ingredients used. 

“People love to see any kind of behind-the-scenes action,” she adds. “It makes them feel like they’re part of the team since they know the secrets.”

Menu highlights are a great example of introducing popular or new dishes to customers. Posting this type of content gives them a visual of what to expect, capturing their interest and making them hungry—just like what ChaTime Canada does on TikTok.

When posting photos and videos, make sure the lighting is good and the dish looks appetizing. Using natural light can make the food look even more delicious.

Another option is customer spotlights, which show that you value your diners and build your restaurant’s community. It also provides social proof to potential customers, such as how Condado Tacos did it.

Always ask for permission to feature them on your social media. Sharing their experiences can make other customers want to visit your restaurant to have similar positive experiences.

Lastly, staff features showcase the team behind your restaurant and help customers feel connected to your staff. Pick a staff member to feature and rotate regularly to include everyone. Show them in action, whether it’s cooking, serving, or interacting with customers. This helps build a personal connection between your staff and your customers, making your restaurant feel more welcoming and friendly.

9. Post spontaneous, real-time content

While scheduling posts ahead can save you a lot of time with social media marketing, always leave room for spontaneous, real-time content. 

For instance, when something exciting happens, like a birthday celebration or a busy night, take photos or videos right away. 

You can also use live features on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook. Show what’s happening in real time, whether it’s a cooking demonstration or a live band playing.

Keeping your camera ready and posting real-time content shows the real, unfiltered side of your restaurant. It also encourages immediate interaction and keeps your social media feed dynamic and up-to-date.

10. Share useful information

Aside from promotional content, share useful information, like popular recipes, cooking tips, and lifestyle content, on your social media pages. This type of content can engage your audience and provide value beyond just promoting your restaurant. 

For instance, you can post recipes of popular dishes from your menu and then include a photo of the finished dish and a step-by-step guide.

Additionally, sharing recipes and cooking tips allows customers to recreate their favorite dishes of yours at home, increasing their connection to your restaurant. It also positions your restaurant as a culinary authority.

For lifestyle content, you can post about balanced diets and healthy eating habits, showing customers that your restaurant cares about their well-being.

11. Make sure your photos look good

If you can, invest in professional food photographers to make your food look mouth-watering, attracting more customers to your restaurant. High-quality photos give a polished and professional look to your restaurant's social media page.

If hiring a professional isn’t an option, learn some basic photography skills, such as understanding the rule of thirds and knowing how to adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation of your camera or during editing.

With basic skills, you can significantly improve the quality of your photos, making your posts more attractive and engaging.

You don’t even need to buy an expensive camera. You can take high-quality photos with your smartphone as long as you follow basic photography principles. Before you start snapping pictures, arrange your food in a stylistically appealing way. 

As you can see in this Instagram post by Chulita, each dish is presented beautifully, which makes them shine together. Plus, you’ll notice the post is well-lit. 

Good lighting is key to emphasizing the textures and color balance of your food photograph. Choosing the right light source for your food involves thinking about what parts of the food you want to emphasize. 

Lastly, try photographing from different angles. For instance, a sandwich might look best cut in half and shot from the side, emphasizing the texture and juiciness of the beef. 

Once you’ve taken your photos, make light touch-ups using a photo editing tool or the built-in editing features on your phone. Sharpen your image, adjust the white balance to bring out warm colors, and increase contrast and saturation slightly to make the food look more appetizing.

12. Develop a cohesive visual style and aesthetic for your feed

Having a visual style guide can help you develop a cohesive aesthetic for your feed, making your restaurant more professional and attractive to customers. A cohesive style means that all your photos and videos have a similar look and feel. This consistency makes your brand more recognizable and memorable. 

To find the right style for your brand, think about your restaurant's atmosphere, the type of food you serve, and the experience you want to offer your customers. A cozy café might use warm, inviting colors and soft lighting to make their space feel welcoming. They could focus on close-up shots of steaming coffee cups and delicious pastries, arranged on rustic wooden tables. 

On the other hand, a trendy bar could use bold, vibrant colors and dynamic angles to capture the lively atmosphere. They might highlight colorful cocktails and stylish interior decor.

For example, Shake Shack uses a bright and cheerful color palette with a lot of natural light to highlight their fresh, casual vibe. Their photos often show happy customers enjoying their meals, reinforcing the fun and friendly atmosphere.

13. Encourage customers to share photos and reviews

Encouraging customers to share photos and reviews helps build your restaurant’s online presence and credibility. When people see real customers enjoying your food and service, they are more likely to trust and choose your restaurant. 84% of Gen Z consumers trust brands that feature actual customers.

14. Repost and reshare User-Generated Content (UGC)

On that note, UGC provides social proof that people actually enjoy dining at your restaurant. In fact, 50% of millennials view UGCs as more trustworthy.

Plus, reposting them shows loyal patrons that you value their content and encourages more people to share their experiences. Again, remember to ask permission and give credit when you repost UGC!

15. Boost UGCs with unique hashtags

To get customers to share their experiences, come up with a unique hashtag that represents your restaurant. It could be your restaurant’s name or a catchy phrase related to your brand.

Make sure customers know about your hashtag. Denise Langenegger of Instasize, a content-creation tool kit, gave a great restaurant Instagram marketing tip about encouraging customers to use branded hashtags by displaying them on menus. “This makes it easy to track user-generated content you can repost,” she suggests.

Using hashtags helps organize and collect all the photos and reviews your customers share. This makes it easier for you to find and repost their content, showing appreciation and encouraging more customers to join in. When customers see their posts featured on your social media, it makes them feel valued and connected to your restaurant.

16. Run contests or giveaways to incentivize customers

If you’re running low on UGC or engagement, you can run contests or giveaways to rekindle people’s interest in your restaurant. These types of content garner 9.5 times higher engagement rates

Choose a prize that’ll excite your customers, like a free meal, a discount, or exclusive merchandise.

One crucial factor to remember is to set clear rules. Decide how people can enter and what they need to do to win. Next, promote the content using branded and contest-specific hashtags.

When the contest ends, announce the winner on your social media platforms. Tag the winner and thank everyone for participating. 

After that, follow up with all participants. Thank them for entering and offer a small consolation prize, like a discount on their next visit, to encourage them to return to your restaurant, boosting customer retention and loyalty.

17. Respond to comments and messages

Try to reply to comments and messages as soon as possible, always keeping a positive tone. Fast and kind responses make customers feel valued and appreciated. In fact, 76% of customers appreciate a brand’s quick response, with 70% expecting a reply within 24 hours or less. 

Additionally, use the customer's name, if possible, to make your responses feel personal and genuine.

18. Put extra effort into your hooks and captions

A strong hook makes people stop scrolling to read or watch more of your content. 

More than being strong, a good hook should grab attention quickly because people often decide within the first two seconds of your video or the first few words of a caption whether they want to keep watching or reading. 

To create a good hook, start with something surprising or interesting. Ask a question, use a bold statement, or highlight a unique feature of your restaurant. 

For example, "Ever tried a burger with a secret sauce?" or "Here’s why people can’t stop talking about this pasta." These strategies make people curious and encourage them to engage with your content.

19. Work with influencers

Influencers, whether they have a large or small following, can help you reach a wider audience and attract new customers. 69% of consumers trust influencer recommendations, which can significantly boost your restaurant's visibility and credibility. 

For instance, you can look for a local food blogger with 5,000 followers or less who regularly posts about their dining experiences. 

By partnering with influencers in your city or state, you can leverage their following to promote your dishes, share reviews, and create engaging content. This collaboration can lead to increased foot traffic and a stronger online presence.

Make sure to find people who match your restaurant’s style and values so you can reach a targeted audience and build genuine connections.

20. Host special events or experiences at your restaurant

Hosting special events or unique experiences is one of the best ways to get your restaurant noticed and attract more customers. You can organize themed nights, offer cooking classes, or host live music or entertainment. 

These events give customers something to look forward to and talk about on social media.

Improve visibility for your restaurant

It’s high time to ride on the power and popularity of social media to boost your restaurant’s online visibility. Follow the strategies we’ve shared and connect with your audience to drive more traffic to your restaurant.

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Vahag Aydinyan
Vahag Aydinyan

Hello! I am Vahag, Content Marketing Manager at 7shifts. I am writing about content marketing, marketing trends, tips on restaurant marketing and more.